Welcome to Linguistic Anthropology 104!

This is the course website for Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (ANTH104, section 2) taught at Queens College over the Spring 2023 semester. This website is our primary platform through which we will communicate, and share resources and materials.

Linguistic Anthropology is about language and its role in social life. We will be looking at the nature of language and its function as a social tool, a cultural practice, and a research method.

Key Information

Course Title: ANTH104 (Spring 2023)
Time: Tuesday-Thursday, 10:45-12:00
Location: Powdermaker 114

Instructor: Yzza Sedrati
Office Hours: in-person every Tuesday ~ 12:15-1:15pm
or by appointment if you email me at ysedrati@gradcenter.cuny.eduÂ