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Week 1
January 26: syllabus and introductions

read the syllabus and explore our course website here:

In class, we will discuss the different kinds of assignments, the standards and criteria of assessments, and our goals and learning outcomes. We will complete the survey attached here, develop a community agreement, and form groups.

Unit 1 : the emergence of linguistic anthropology

Week 2
January 31: why language?

read chapter 4 “Language” in Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology (2017) by Brown et al.

read the poem “I Lost My Talk” (1978) by Rita Joe

keywords: universal, particular, diversity, nature/biological-nurture/culture, system, practice, semantic, pragmatic

February 2: and why linguistic anthropology?

read “Language as Culture in US Anthropology” (2003) by Alessandro Duranti here:

keywords: linguistic relativity, psyche/mind, culture, ethnography of speaking/communication, performance, variation, sociolinguistics, semiotics, ideology, power, practice

suggested additional blog article: “Linguistic Anthropology” (2022) by Sonia N. Das

Week 3
February 7: language and thought (the Boasian tradition and linguistic relativism)

read Edward Sapir’s “Conceptual categories in primitive languages” (1925)

and excerpts from his text “The unconscious patterning of social behavior” (1927)


read excerpts from “The Relation Of Habitual Thought And Behavior To Language” (1956) by Benjamin Lee Whorf

listen to “Lost in Translation: the power of language to shape how we view the world” (2018) from the Hidden Brain NPR podcast.

Suggested additional blog article: “Whorf” (2004) by
Kerim P. Friedman from Keywords blog.

Suggested additional reading “On Alternating Sounds” (1889) by Franz Boas

keywords: sound variation, phonetics, phonemes, culture, structure, grammar, psyche, behavior, worldview, relativism,

February 9: variationist sociolinguistics and conversation analysis

read William Labov’s “The Social Stratification of (r) in New York City Department Stores,” (1986).

read Deborah Tannen’s “New York Jewish Conversational Style”

keywords: sound patterns, quantitative/qualitative, scale, utterance, variation, elicitation, interview, ritual, interaction, style, transcription

Week 4
February 14: speaking as performative and poetics (the ethnography of communication) (i)

read chapter 14 “Performance” in Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology. (2017).

suggested additional reading: “The Interaction Order.” by Erving Goffman (1983).

keywords: performance/performativity, frame, order, roles, interaction, event, context, ritual, social reality, ethnography, footing, reeflexivity, Goffman, participant roles-frameworks

February 16: speaking as performative and poetics (the ethnography of communication) (ii)

read excerpts from Judith Irvine’s “Strategies of Status Manipulation in the Wolof Greeting” (1974)


read Keith Bassso’s “To Give Up on Words: Silence in Western Apache Culture” (1970)

keywords: performance, poetics, ritual, speech acts, roles, utterance, context, ethnography of speaking, form and content, frame, order, interaction

Week 5
February 21: Monday schedule

no class

February 23: linguistic anthropology today: indexicality

read “Indexing Gender” by Elinor Ochs (1992)

keywords: index, indexicality, gender, hierarchy, stance, practice, acts, direct/indirect, ideology

February 28: linguistic anthropology today: language ideology and differentiation

read Irvine and Gal’s paper “Language Ideology and Linguistic Differentiation” (2000)

keywords: power, ideology, hierarchy, differentiation, Peirce, semiotics, signs, iconicity/rhematization, recursivity, erasure, history

March 2: linguistic anthropology today: voice and registers

read “The Semiotic Hitchhiker’s Guide to Creaky Voice: Circulation and Gendered Hardcore in a Chicana/o Gang Persona” (2011) by Norma Mendoza-Denton

Suggested reading additional readings:

these 2-page articles in the same Journal of Linguistic Anthropology issue of 1999:
“Register” by Asif Agha;
“Voice” by Webb Keane;
“Heteroglossia” by Vyachesla Ivanov.

And “The grammar of consciousness and the consciousness of grammar” (1985) by Jane Hill

keywords: registers, enregisterment, voice/voicing, texts, circulation, personae (figure of personhood), interaction, alignment, typification, valorization, micro-macro relation, ideology, stance, reflexivity

Due March 7 before class: Share your learning journal covering unit 1

Unit 2: making persons

Week 7
March 7: review unit 1: the linguistic anthropology toolbox and methods

Review and survey

March 9: language socialization: becoming persons

read “Language Acquisition and Socialization: three developmental stories and their implications.” (2001) by Ochs, Elinor and Bambi B. Schieffelin.

keywords: socialization, acquisition, practice, interaction, ideology, culture-nature, ritual, gender

Due March 9 at 10:00am: Unit 1 midterm paper

Week 8
March 14: multilingual selves

read Miki Makihara’s “Linguistic Syncretism and Language Ideologies: Transforming Sociolinguistic Hierarchy on Rapa Nui (Easter Island)” (2004)

keywords: language ideology, language shift, code-switching, syncretism, practice, revitalization, colonialism, power, socialization, multilingualism, socialization

March 16: identity in the making, in the flesh

read “ ‘Whatever (Neck Roll, Eye Roll, Teeth Suck)’: The Situated Coproduction of Social Categories and Identities through Stancetaking and Transmodal Stylization” (2010) by Goodwin and Alim

keywords: style, stance, differentiation, alignment, roles, performativity, identity, socialization

Week 9
March 21: race and raciolinguistics (i): perception and alienated selves

read Franz Fanon’s first chapter “The negro and the language” (1952) from Black Skin White Mask here:

read Jane Hill’s “Language, race, and white public space” (1998)

Keywords: perception, languagelessness, ideology, raciolinguistic, racialization, standardization, differentiation, public space, hegemony, power

March 23: race and raciolinguistics (ii): perception and alienated selves

First read the following interview with Jonathan Rosa (2020)

And read his article “Standardization, Racialization, Languagelessness: Raciolinguistic Ideologies across Communicative Contexts” (2016)

Keywords: perception, languagelessness, ideology, raciolinguistic, racialization, standardization, differentiation, hegemony, power

Week 10
March 28: gendered persons and written selves

read “Literacy, Power, and Agency: Love Letters and Development in Nepal” (2004) by Laura M. Ahearn

keywords: literacy, writing, gender, power, agency, kinship, discourse

March 30: neoliberalism and branded selves

read Ilana Gershon’s piece: “‘I’m Not a Businessman, I’m a Business, Man’: Typing the Neoliberal Self into a Branded Existence.” (2016).

keywords: neoliberalism, branding, the self, capitalism, ideology

Due April 4 before class: Share your learning journal covering unit 2

Week 11
April 4: review unit 2 : interaction, persons, types, scales

Review, in-class activity, and survey

April 6: Spring recess (April 5-April 13): no class

Week 12: Spring recess (April 5-April 13): no class

Due April 14 at 10:00am Unit 2 midterm paper

Unit 3 : making worlds

Week 13
April 18: chronotopia

read “Temporalities of Community: Ancestral Language, Pilgrimage, and Diasporic Belonging in Mauritius” by Patrick Eisenlhor (2004)

keywords: chronotope (time-space), Bakhtin, belonging, community, temporality, multilingualism, language ideology

April 20: circulation

read Debra Spitulnik’s paper “The Social Circulation of Media Discourse and the Mediation of Communities” (1996)

keywords: circulation, media, discourse, mediation, community, language ideology, multilingualism

Week 14
April 25: media ideology

read “Breaking Up is Hard To Do” (2010) by Ilana Gershon.

keywords: media ideology, language ideology, circulation, multimedia, interaction, survey, interview

April 27: poetics and placenames

read “The Poetics of Grievance: Taxi Drivers, Vernacular Placenames, and the Paradoxes of Post-Coloniality in Oran, Algeria” by Stephanie Love (2021)

keywords: poetics, naming, place, space, past-present, history, post-colonialism, language ideology, power, martyr

Week 15
May 2: worldviews

read the first chapter “Concepts we live by” by Lakoff and Johnson in Metaphors We Live By

read “Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals” (1987) by Carol Cohn


read “Professional Vision” (1994) by Charles Goodwin


read “The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles.” (1991) by Emily Martin

May 4: documents and the state

read “Ruled by Records: The Appropriation of Land and the Misappropriation of Lists in Islamabad” (2008)


read “The file: agency, authority, and autography in Islamabad bureaucracy” by Matthew Hull (2003)

keywords: materiality, paper, government, bureaucracy, state, post-colonialism,

Due May 9 before class: Share your learning journal entries covering unit 3

Week 16
May 9: review unit 3 and final paper workshops

May 11: Wrap up and goodbyes

Exit survey

Due Friday May 19, at 11:59 pm: Final paper on Unit 3 and complete learning journal